Learn as you go with our family resources
A website of developing educational, healthy, and fun Christian-friendly family resources.
Parents looking for ways to nourish and nurture their children and family in a healthy wholesome way for Christ’s Kingdom, look no further. Don’t worry, we’re learning too!

Story of Our Adventist Life
Our Adventist Life is just one mom trying to take care of her family.
Almost two years ago, before COVID-19, wildfires, locust plagues, climate summits, and other world events escalated, I started searching with my husband for Biblical Truth and a reconnection with God for us and our family.
None of the different local churches we tried had the answers we were looking for—so we started researching online lectures and media resources.
Today, having been baptized over a year ago now, my family is relearning how to live for Christ and wanting to share our experience and discoveries with other families. One of our largest changes was relearning what was good for us and what good resources and information is available.
Our Mission
A Daily Walk Both Inward and Outward
We pick up our cross daily as our family follows Christ in our lives each day (Luke 9:23), both inwardly in our spiritual growth and outwardly as we share the liberating Gospel message with others to have life and more abundantly (John 10:10), letting our light shine, not hidden under a bushel (Matthew 5:15).
We believe knowledge and experience should be shared freely as part of sharing the Gospel, including parenting resources that are wholesome and Christ-centered. Children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3) and should be raised in all tenderness and carefulness.
Read More About Our Mission

Our Family
Four For Simple Fun and Faith
Our family of four lives in southern Ohio, nestled in a nice valley of luscious green woods. I and my husband have been married for 8 years and have 2 young children.
Our time used to be preoccupied with video games, movies, and other mindless entertainment. We learned we needed to disconnect from screens and reconnect with our Creator. Now we much more appreciate the little things of life together, like nature walks, campfires, making mud pies, and swimming.
This has been a slow and steady journey of learning all of what I and my family have been missing out on. As well as learning how to better take care of myself and my family.
What We Believe About Christ and Family
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).
No one is perfect, all have fallen short and sinned (Romans 3:23). It is only except by faith in Jesus Christ’s sinless life (Hebrews 4:15) and perfect sacrifice for our sins (1 Peter 1:18-19) can we be saved from the consequences of our sin, death, and have eternal life (John 3:15).
Marriage is a holy sacrament created by God created at the beginning in Genesis. God has created us in His image and with blessings to procreate. This holy union is one of with clear institutions.
Our Family & Parenting Resources

Simple Home Gardening in Your Own Backyard
One of the greatest ways to exercise, get fresh air and sunlight, while reconnecting with God’s creation is gardening. As someone whose day job is to sit behind a computer, this hobby was a lifeline to me.

Whole Food Plant-Based Diet Recipes Your Family Will Love
They will love especially when you sweet talk your husband into doing the cooking instead because you actually are a terrible cook. But don’t worry it isn’t the recipe’s fault, just my poor skill.

Creative Crafts for Getting Kids Engaged and Learning
What could be more fun than getting messy and creative? Before kids stared at screens, they had to go out and explore, get messy, use their imagination! Activities that use more of children’s 5 senses, brain, and body are much much healthier than screen time.
“You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess.“
— Deuteronomy 5:33