These verses are about what are the origins of evil angels, or demons, devils, based on a chain of verses that are referenced in a specific order to help give clarity and context.* It has very minimal commentary so that you can do your own self-reflection and discovery of the verses. Many times the Bible explains itself if you just know where to look.
With each group of verses, there are probing questions to help you consider what is being said. Each verse in the study is linked to an online Bible, should you want to check the context of the verses around it. Also, allowing verification of what scripture says, as well as purity of a study based only on the Bible.
1. What is the meaning of the word “devil”?
- Diabolus, meaning, to traduce; wilfully to misrepresent, to present as blamable.
2. What other names are commonly applied to the devil?
- Satan, an opponent; adversary, one opposed; prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2: 2); prince of this world (John 14: 30).
3. What experience did Jesus say Satan had had?
- Luke 10:18 (KJV) — “”
4. Who was he before he fell from heaven?
- Ezekiel 28:12-15 (KJV) — “”
5. Who is meant by the pronoun “I” of verse 14?
- The Creator, Christ. John 1:1-3 (KJV) — “”
6. What ambition came with Satan’s self-overestimation?
- Isaiah 14:12-14 (KJV) — “”
7. Whose place was he planning to have?
- Christ’s place, the only one like God. Hebrews 1:2-4 (KJV) — “”
8. By what means did he seek to get Christ out of that place to make room for himself?
- John 8:44 (KJV) — “”
9. What other efforts did Satan make to overthrow Christ and take the government?
- Revelation 12:7-8 (KJV) — “”
10. How many angels joined with the devil in this rebellion against the ways of heaven?
- The third part. Revelation 12:4 (KJV) — “”
11. To what place were these rebellious ones cast?
- 2 Peter 2:4 (KJV) — “”
- Hell (Greek, Tartaros), the regions of darkness surrounding planets.
12. What did he and the angels who followed him finally do?
- Jude 6 (KJV) — “”
- 2 Peter 3:7 (KJV) — “”
13. What planet finally became the headquarters for these fallen ones?
- Revelation 12:9 (KJV) — “”
“The facts of history concur with the statements of revelation in forcing upon us the unwelcome conviction that the
— “Footprints of Angels in Fields of Revelation,” E. A.
human race is subject to the malevolent influence of an organized and all-pervading demonism. Alike in the career of nations and in the phenomena of personal destiny the presence of demoniacal skill and power is often prominent, frequently dominant, always evil.”
Stockman, p. 2.
14. Who gave them permission to occupy this earth?
- None granted. See
- Genesis 1:26 (KJV) — “”
- Romans 5:12 (KJV) — “”
- Luke 4:6 (KJV) — “”
15. What are these fallen ones doing now?
- 1 Peter 5:8 (KJV) — “”
- Revelation 12:12 (KJV) — “”
“In undiminished possession of their intelligence and strength, they constantly assault us in every weakness, through every avenue, by every means, by methods foul or fair. . . Whom they cannot destroy they cease not to worry, torment. They inspire evil tempers; arouse dark passions; instil ill will;beget malice, envy; impose care, fear, distrust; suggest deceit, fraud, and all the forms of crime.”
“Supremely do they revel in the criminal domain. They foster falsehood; incite revenge; fan jealousy; beget quarrels; help on thefts, robbery, and arson; further divorces; plan dpfalcations; instigate murders. They run the saloons and edit the Police News.”
— Id., pp. 9, 10, 22.
“Those who give vent to anger or retain old grudges; who parley with temptation or tamper with vice; who indulge in intemperance, pride, foolishness, or levity; or give way to any other weakness, give place to the devil; that is, they give the devil an opportunity to work through them — give him an advantage over them. We should therefore close every avenue to Satan and his angels. We should suppress anger, be sober and watchful, and nip in the bud every prompting to sin.”
— “Bible Readings for the Home Circle,” p. 531.
“Those under demoniacal control are simply the sport and plaything of the evil spirits possessing and controlling
— Id., p. 532.
“But man is not left to engage single-handed in this combat, else were his case indeed hopeless. Just as constant, just as vigilant, just as persevering, and far more powerful than the hosts of evil, are the heavenly angels, sent forth from the throne of Jehovah Himself to guard and protect those who shall be heirs of salvation, and to deliver them from the assaults of these evil
— “Ministry of Angels,” I. H. Evans, p. 30.
ones. ‘The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that
fear Him, and delivereth them.’ We should cherish the presence of these holy messengers of God, invite them into our assemblies. train our spiritual perceptions to recognize their influence, and become more and more conscious that they bear our petitions
before the throne of God, and minister to our needs.”
This study guide was based on Reading No. 15, pages 110-111 from Brief Bible Readings for Busy People,
prepared by the Home Missionary Department
of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Review and Herald Publishing. Published originally in 1930.
View the original study guide, which this guide is based on, as a scanned PDF. Full credit to them.
*A Bible chain reference is a system of cross-referencing between different passages or verses of the Bible to connect and relate different concepts, themes, or topics mentioned in different parts of the Bible. It helps readers gain a deeper understanding of the overall message and meaning of the text. To use it, readers start with a particular topic or theme and then look up the corresponding list of verses, paying attention to the connections and relationships between them. Studying them in a particular order, helps one understand the topic from beginning to end. Just like peeling the layers off of an onion. It’s a useful tool for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the Bible and its teachings.