Ten Commandments
What is the Meaning of the Tenth Commandment “You shall not covet.”
1 And God spake all these words, saying,… 17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s. — Exodus 20:1,17 (KJV) What is the meaning of “You shall not covet.”…
Clean Hands in the Bible—A Christian Lifestyle
In our quest to live a more biblical life, especially within the realm of our family lives, understanding the scriptural perspective on how to live every day is crucial. One such intriguing question comes from the concept of clean hands in the Bible, also a pure heart, from Psalms 24:3-4 KJV. 3 Who shall ascend into…
A Love That Transforms
Lesson 26 Study Guide by Amazing Facts: How can a Christian be “in the world” but not “of the world?” Prefer to study through the mail? Click here to sign up for the Amazing Facts correspondence course.
The Mark Of The Beast
Lesson 20 Study Guide by Amazing Facts: What is the mark of the beast, or the number of the beast and how can you avoid getting it? Prefer to study through the mail? Click here to sign up for the Amazing Facts correspondence course.
Case Closed
Lesson 19 Study Guide by Amazing Facts: Learn about the reason for and nature of God’s final judgment. Prefer to study through the mail? Click here to sign up for the Amazing Facts correspondence course.
Angel Messages From Space
Lesson 16 Study Guide by Amazing Facts: The “three angels’ messages” of Revelation 14 contain solemn warnings for today. Prefer to study through the mail? Click here to sign up for the Amazing Facts correspondence course.
Should we still keep the Sabbath Today, or was it abolished? [List of Verses]
For many religious communities, including Jews, the Sabbath remains an important part of their religious observance. During this time, people abstain from work and engage in acts of worship and devotion, such as prayer, reading scripture, and spending time with family. However, for many Christians, the significance of the Sabbath has been lost over time…
Did Jesus abolish the Law OR are the Ten Commandments still important today? [Bible Guide]
Did Jesus abolish the law? This is a complex question that has been the subject of much theological debate over the centuries. In general, no, Christians believe that Jesus did not abolish the Law, but rather fulfilled it through his life, death, and resurrection. Jesus himself said in the Gospel of Matthew, “Think not that…
How to be saved by Jesus [Bible Study]
Everyone dies. So the saying goes, nothing is certain but death and taxes. So it is normal to fear death and want to avoid it. But is there a way to be saved from inevitable death? Many people are questioning how to be saved by Jesus. Is He the only way? Let’s back up first…