The Mark Of The Beast
Lesson 20 Study Guide by Amazing Facts: What is the mark of the beast, or the number of the beast and how can you avoid getting it? Prefer to study through the mail? Click here to sign up for the Amazing Facts correspondence course.
What is the Millennium in the Bible in Revelation 20?
Let’s start with where the Bible describes the 1,000-year period in Revelation 20:1-7 six times. It is called the “millennium” because it means one thousand years. But the word millennium is nowhere in the Bible. Other verses describe this time as the period in heaven but do not specify 1,000 years (Isaiah 65:17–25; Daniel 7:27;…
Is the Devil in Charge of Hell? What the Bible Says
Does the Bible teach that Satan rules over hell? Many Christian denominations and Catholics have this idea when they picture hell in their mind. And even in many artistic depictions, it perpetuates this concept. In fact, nowhere in the Bible does it teach what most people envision of the Devil ruling over hell. The Devil…
Did God create Satan the devil? [Bible Guide]
If Lucifer is Satan the devil, and if God is all-knowing, then God knew when He created Lucifer. That he would become Satan the devil, spreading evil, sin, pain, destruction, and death. So did God create Satan? Why did He do it? This is a very troubling question many people have. Lucifer, also known as Satan…